Friday 2 March 2018


For my dance piece I have done some research into what I wanted my dance set to look like. With some dance pieces they use the outdoors as their set, to convey a message to the audience and link with the piece, others use simple backdrops, or others create a set. As we are in to the latter end of second year I really wanted to push myself in every field in the technical and creative elements. I want to create and build a set for my piece so I did a little bit of research into what I wanted my set to look like and why. 

A couple of years ago I saw an exhibition in London that was a sculpture made of paper much like mountains, you were allowed to walk around and through it, the paper was thick so it could stand alone. The room was fairly dark, but light enough for you to see and the card was a beautiful orange colour that almost glowed. It was an incredibly immersive experience and felt quite womb like and nurturing. I feel sad that I cannot remember what the exhibition was called but I will try and find out and attach a link if I can. This sculpture piece has been in my mind ever since, and I felt going forward with this dance piece that I would like to incorperate it somehow. Because our piece is about relationships and their struggles both good and bad, I thought paper mountains would be interesting to include. The physicality of a paper mountain. and their rough and jagged sides could denote the rough parts of a relationship, it being unstable and uncertain where you can place your feet next. But it could also denote that when you reach the top of the mountain peak, a euphoric and accomplished feeling as you got through the hard times together.

I am hoping with some research into materials that I will be able to source this paper and craft it in a way that will stand by itself and allow the dancers to move about and around the space. Of course with using paper, after the shoot is done I will ensure that it is recycled so it won't cause harm to the environment. I feel having this set will really enhance my piece and push my creative skills into crafting this for my dance film. Pictured below are some examples I have found of paper constructions that I hope to base my sculpture on.

I hope you enjoy. Thank you.

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