Sunday 25 March 2018


As one of the tasks for Advanced Photography we were asked to create a primary and secondary Lightroom catalogue. We spent a whole lesson with Bayton going through step by step what was needed in our catalogues and how to execute it well. We were asked to create collections in our catalogues, give our pictures colour and star ratings, edit them, and give them keywords to search for in the search bar. Below I have taken screenshots of my work flow and pieces of editing I have done along the way.

Above you can see that I opened my image as a smart object therefore any work or editing I did to the photo, it linked back to my Lightroom catalogue, and inserted a new image with all the changes I had made to it.

As you can see above I created my 3 collections, and in my light source collection I had made a start on rating them and colour rating them. One thing Bayton told us in class is that a good work flow is to make all your newly imported pictures coloured red, meaning you haven't edited them, orange if you had made a start, and green when the image is complete.

Above is a screenshot of me demonstrating me opening an image as a smart object into Photoshop. 

Above you can see that when I open the image into the camera RAW view, I have made changes to how the image is imported and displayed. I chose 16bit for my image and changed the present from adobe to Prophoto.

You can see here that I am starting to make changes and edit my images slowly.

Again you can see the changes I am making to my image to make it look better.

Here I have taken a snapshot in Photoshop so that Bayton will be able to see what and how I have edited my pictures.

As you can see here I am showing you the beginning of my light sources collection, where everything is coloured red, and my star rating is how good I deem the image without any editing.

This is my personal collection at the beginning of me editing anything.

Again this is my studio shoot catalogue at the beginning of the editing stage.

Pictured here I am displaying that when you make changes to your image in Photoshop as a smart object it relays any editing back to your catalogue and creates a duplicate. You can also see in the bottom right hand corner the little icons show that I have created key wording for them, colour labelled and star rated them.

Here you can see my workflow as I start to make progress on an image.

I hope you enjoy. Thank you.

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