Friday 2 March 2018


To further my research I decided to look at music videos for my dance film, as you could say this are the most related in terms of length, composition and choreography. As there are hundreds of music videos out there that I could talk about for days, I decided to pick 4 that I felt inspired me in different ways.

The first music video I found was by Sigrid called Strangers. This music video is a strange one as you see some behind the scenes in the music video. Such as the people holding the wind machine etc. I felt this was quite a nice part of the music video as it makes the audience aware this isn't reality, even though you know it isn't. The set I also really like in this music video as it is very minimalist, just a massive room or infinity wall with some furniture and props, that the singers dances around and interacts with the set. I was thinking of maybe including some behind the scenes in my dance film as I feel it adds a sort of reality into the video and that is what I am trying to do. I am also taking inspiration from the set and its minimalist style and will only have the paper mountains and a clean white background, so the attention is focused on the dancers. Below is a link to the video.

Another music video I found was Dua Lipa's latest music video IDGAF. This video is incredible in the editing as they almost clone the dancers and they interact and touch each other. But I am taking inspiration from the colour in this music video. They have gorgeous gels, with blues, yellows and reds being the main colours. The gels and lights are soft on the face giving a nice glow and I will want to try and use this to inspire my piece and have beautiful soft lighting.I also really liked the choreography, as it requires a whole dance crew, even though I am only using two dancers I will still take inspiration from this choreography. Below is a link to the video.

Although I am not a massive fan of the Chemical Brothers, their song Wide Open is incredible. A friend showed this to me and I just couldn't get my head around how it was done. You see a dancer slowly turn into a hollow structure with holes in her, and you can see her heart. Although I am not aiming to do something as technical as this, I felt the choreography was beautiful and well crafted. The dancers movement was so elegant and complimented the music so well. I will be taking lots of inspiration from this choreography for my own work. Below is a link to the video.

Again I am not a huge fan of OK GO's music, but I find their music videos, clever, sometimes simple but very funny and surreal. There were many music videos I could have chosen to talk about but I felt this music video had the colours I wanted. I have talked a lot about colour palettes, but not much about costume and although simple, the costumes in this music video have really nice colours. They are wearing quite bright colours in this video but it works. With the plain background of a muted toned aeroplane, they are able to be the focus of attention with the bright colours. Taking inspiration from this, I felt that if I were to have quite a plain background, my dancers should have quite bright clothing so they don't get lost in the scene. I was thinking still minimal and easy to move in clothes but with bright and complimenting colours to the set. Below is a link to the video.

I hope you enjoy. Thank you.

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