Tuesday 7 March 2017


Today we had the second After Effects workshop with Phil, and although I was unable to attend the first workshop due to illness I tried to get up to speed with everyone else. After Effects is a completely new software to me and is incredibly challenging, however I won't let this defeat me. Hopefully in my spare time I will resource intense online video tutorials to ensure I can complete the twin screen to my best of my ability. The brief for this twin screen is exploring the relationship between the human body and the digital world. When thinking about this initially I think of how apparent the digital world is, we are constantly connected through social media and our phones. It is so hard to switch off because we are accessible at all times. I have read many articles on how social media and the digital world effect mental health, and this is something I am thinking of exploring in my twin screen film. Some of the articles that stood out to me the most were these:

1. Effect of social media
2. Harmful digital world
3. Photos without phones

In one of the articles it has two interesting statements about social media being an easy escape to escape from the real world and hide away, claiming it could become an unhealthy obsession. The other interesting statement claims that it can be a positive thing for shy or anxious people to be able to communicate with people in a way that feels safe for them. I quite like these two opposing ideas, and possibly could develop into a twin screen idea. Another of my links is an article about a photographer who simply PhotoShopped peoples mobile phones out of pictures, the end results looked so strange these people hunched around a little bit of light from the phone, and seeing the antisocial behaviour. This interested me as I could maybe develop an idea of life without technology and social media. But I would prefer to display these ideas as visual metaphors rather than literal, as I feel this will create a more aesthetic look to the twin screens. I want to definitely explore nature footage somehow into my film using cut out shapes and layering in After Effects.

Image result for sometimes here sometimes not

Here is an image of an online artist that I like the work of, I want to take inspiration from the composure of this piece, and want to see if I could mask out where the yellow circles are and have film playing in the background.

 I am still in the early staged of developing an idea.

I hope you enjoy. Thank you

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