Friday 12 January 2018


After completing the videos for maps and networks, we then had to set up our installation after Christmas. On the first day of coming back to uni, as a class we walked up and down the corridor with Rosie deciding where everyone's work would go. Danielle and I were unable to get The Box in the quad as it was currently occupied with other work. So we got to work thinking where we would want our twin screen. We decided the alcove near the beginning of the corridor would be excellent for us.

The next day we came into uni and learned how to drill the brackets into the walls, The technician Tom was very kind and helped us all day with the brackets, making sure they were secure and straight. I measured out the wall and the screens, and worked out exactly where I wanted them to go so they would be central. Once the brackets were up, we could mount our two TV screens. This was a bit fiddly but we did it in the end. We were fortunate in our work being near a power supply, so we just plugged them into the mains. To make sure the cables weren't tidy, we had to attach this stuff called trunking that was essentially a plastic tube you could feed wires through and it would look tidy and nice. So we set about finding some trunking and got that all attached

On Wednesday Danielle went to go and source materials to dress the alcove we had chosen. We had talked previously about what we wanted it to look like, we decided dressing it like a bedroom felt appropriate and that would make it link in with the film, and of course have lots of red.

Thursday came around quickly and Danielle had sourced some pretty red netting to hang around our display to look like a bedroom. We decided to bring in spare bed sheets, cushions, and things you would typically find in a girls bedroom, like underwear, fake nails, makeup etc. We stapled the red netting around the ends of the alcove with a staple gun, then set to work on securing all the sheets and things spread across the bed. We printed off pictures about feminism and girl bands to make the room feel it had someone living there. This took nearly all day as we wanted it perfect.

As the week drew to a close, on Friday we were all finished with our installation so we just took lots of photos of it because we are so proud. I am super happy the way it turned out and looked. We had mixed feedback on our work from students passing by and watching it, but if art doesn't create conversation and differing opinions than is it good art? I am happy at how it looks and how well we managed to set the scene alongside our screens.

I hope you enjoy. Thank you

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