Wednesday 1 November 2017


After we had had the green light for all of our pre production pack, we decided to start shooting as early as possible. Just so when studio shoot comes around the corner we will be able to focus on that.

We arranged with our actress that we would like to shoot at 10am on the 31st of October. This was during study week, so if we needed to re shoot we had enough time without it being an issue. The actress had a lot of her own equipment that we were able to borrow. So the shoot started at 10am at my house. We had a 305, tripod, two LED lights, waterproof case for the 305 and a DSLR for taking pictures behind the scenes of the shoot. Me and Danielle discussed that we wanted to shoot the sofa screen first. We wanted shots of her sitting and lying on the sofa in suggestive ways, and all shots framed very tightly. So we briefed the actress about what we wanted from her, she had read over the shot list and script previously but we wanted to give her context physically. Then we started shooting. We filmed for about 3 hours and then took a lunch break, we reviewed the footage which cast and crew were happy with, then we got back into filming. We polished up a few scenes on the sofa and then started preparing for the bath shoot.

For the bath shoot, we again briefed the actress on what we wanted, and how we would execute it. We wanted to have a blood red colour to resemble blood and have connotations of periods, lust, romance and anger which we felt women were shamed for feeling these emotions or frowned appon for having a period. We then started filling up the bath tub as we got actress and equipment ready. For the bath we knew we wanted a red colour, so previously myself and Danielle went to Lush to select some bathbombs that would really give us the blood red colour we were looking for. Fortunately they had some in the colours we wanted, so we selected two and mixed them together in the bath. This gave us such a great red colour that was perfect for the shoot. As we were working around water, we had to be careful and relate back to our risk assessment, so we ensured that camera was far away from the water and zoomed in, and that the lights were also away from water.

I feel the bath shoot was a success and the crew and cast were happy when we reviewed the footage. We stuck to our schedule which was good as it meant we still had time to redo some shots if needed. Overall I felt the day was a success, we got the footage we wanted, the actress was happy with it too, and we were safe and so was the equipment. Attached below are some images from the shoot.
Two bathbombs mixed together

Cutting up bathbombs to get the blend of colour we wanted

Bathbombs we used 

On set 

Sneak peak 

Lots of red 

Deep in thought 

Me doing the thing


I hope you enjoy. Thank you.

1 comment:


    hi! sorry i gave up trying to comment in class because it just wasn't gonna happen. i agree with kathleen about the fact that some of the images used are hyper sexualised, however, i feel that it is necessary in order to accurately portray the message you're aiming for with your piece. the juxtaposition between the split screens creates a split reality between what the male sees and what the female feels and gets as a result of his actions. the voice over really helps to connect the viewer to the subject and helps to amplify the purpose of the film. it shows both sides to the woman as well as alot of other points such as that even in lingerie, she still isnt asking for it. it was very powerful and thought provoking to watch. although there was alot of controversy from the room, i think that you did the film justice, i think posting on youtube and publicising the message would do alot of good for alot of people. i think you could develop your work on this with danielle much further, maybe a multi-screen showing women of all shapes and sizes, skin colours, nationalities, just to show that it really can happen to anyone and show an inclusion of women from every back ground. you could have each one saying the exact same passage. i think that would be a great step forward, and would help argue that it doesn't just happen to pretty white girls, not that that was what you were depicting because it wasn't at all, i am just thinking of ways you could explore and develop your idea in the future. hope this helps :)
