Monday 7 November 2016


With my portrait research I have explored the celebration of the female form. Both the photographers embraced the female as it was, baring all for the camera to pick up. This idea intrigued me, as I wondered how I could explore my form in front of the camera using lighting, framing and a good choice in lens.

For these tester shots I used a Nikon 50mm lens on a Nikon D90. I have a particular soft spot for this camera, as I like all the settings and how much control you have from white balance to shutter speed. I felt a 50mm lens was appropriate for this tester shoot because I wanted that shallow depth of field and intense detail on my skin. Overall I wasn't all that happy with the shoot. I felt I should have selected a better backdrop and framing. These factors I feel let the self portraits down. However, I felt the lighting ( I hasten to add is natural) I particularly love especially working with such pale skin I have. I was pleased with the lighting on my skin and how it created a slight darkness in the backdrop.

The task for the portrait was to explore identity and I feel that I am aware of my identity quite well having to face it everyday and try and find out who I am. I have on going mental health problems that also affect my body and what I do to it. I tried to display this through the next three photos.


 In the first portrait I chose to show some faded scars that have been an aftermath of some mental health issues I suffer with. Because they are faded I chose to feel positive about them healing instead of negative. The framing I personally like because of how much I chose to fill the frame and give you almost nothing else to look at but my skin and I feel a lot of empowerment through this. However the backdrop I don't like as it isn't as smooth as I wanted it. Previously I used to let these factors of my life define me, from my scars, mental health, appearance and weight. However, now I am making progress recovering I now view them as only a small factor of my identity but a still very important one nonetheless.


For this second portrait, I am incredibly pleased with the lighting, despite it being natural and therefore out of my control I do really like the colours and dark tones. I chose a different angle on identity and explored the female form in a sexual way. Struggling a lot with self image and self worth I always felt not worthy of happiness or intimacy with someone. So exploring my struggles through this photo has been a challenge. I chose to reveal some more skin than just my thigh and the framing of the photo is carefully done so i'm not being too revealing but implying what the photos main focus is. The idea that the female form is so frowned upon for being explicitly displayed yet people wanting to view it.

In this last portrait, I wanted to explore my struggles with an eating disorder I have recovered from, but still have struggles with. With this portrait I love the shadows and highlights that touch my skin, displaying almost a glow on my stomach, but shadows where the dips of my skin and bone are. I wanted to display a very subtle message of the eating struggles, as I have struggled to gain weight all my life. But with the highlights and shadows encourage me to embrace my body instead of shaming and hurting it.

I feel I have identified myself an incredible amount through these three photos, through this self portrait project it has helped me to explore the use of lenses and framing. But, also a personal exploration of myself and learning that my form and the human form is all so different, unique and everyone has things they don't like, but to just try and embrace it and learn to love the skin you are in. Suffering with mental health for so long has made me believe that i'm not worthy of so many things, and has stopped me discovering myself. Having to face up to these self portraits and analyse them has been an incredibly empowering journey for me, I felt it may be hard to photograph myself and then analyse them with the harsh, negative view I have for myself, but the process of these self portraits has aided my self worth a great deal. I feel now, currently looking at these photos that we have to move on from our past, accept what we have been given and move on into the future to greater things.

I hope you enjoy. Thank you.


  1. Gosh Alice you have been very brave to post such honest and raw reflection on your life experience. What you have gone through has been experienced (to a degree) by most of the young women on the course and us older women too. This is a subject that touches us all. Are you going to continue this work ? the content is very powerful and important and I would like to see you explore this abstraction further and get the technical aspects of the images just perfect ( ie experiment further with lighting and exposure and framing) Please continue working on this. I am very touched by your reflection on the creative journey you have undergone and you are quite right to take ownership of these images and feel proud and empowered by them. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us

  2. Do you know Bill Brandt's work? he makes creates images from just parts of the body.

  3. Such a effectively elegant set of photos, especially for how brave and raw they are. I know I have spoken to you on fb about the depth of field and leading lines but do you remember I mentioned about the bed sheets potentially reflecting the marks on the skin? Potentially do you think it would be interesting to see how the background, in future shoots, could reflect/ represent the foreground? Because the bedsheets convey an intimate and personal space/ setting, being that its you on your bed exposing yourself and your past in your work - though I was wondering if there was anymore potential in the background, because I feel like overall it's a super intimate setting that seals the whole emotion and feel of the photos.

  4. You've done some beautiful work, and you're so brave to talk about the feelings a lot of people are too scared to talk about. You've done it in such an elegant way that people don't feel that you are trying to get attention but awareness for people to speak out about how they feel on the inside. Truly a beautiful piece

  5. Your images displayed here are truly beautiful, but also inspiring. It takes such confidence to be able to post what you have being that its regarding such personal struggles, but I think it's very commendable and you've executed this theme beautifully in your images. I love the ideas you're inspired by and the theme of your project !!

  6. I love the lighting in your photos, using the natural light worked really well in the 3 photos. You can really tell there's a personal see to 3 images, and I think you showed this very well 🔥❤️

  7. This is a very delicate subject to talk about, especially when it is yourself who is the subject and I think your bravery has showed that you are a very strong individual to include your own experiences into your research. The pictures you took are wonderful and I love how you have taken them with regards to the depth of field, contrast and even the simplistic backdrop.

  8. This photographs are stunning , I wish you could work more on this project, because the subjects you touch are things so many people struggle with and you achieved to display it in such a beautiful way. It is great that you decided to post this work cause I don't think I could've to be honest, its nice to know that people are brave everyday. Its a very inspiring piece of work. -Nina Sayuri

  9. I really love this work. You were so brave to talk about such a personal subject and it can be seen in your work how much this subject means to you. The images are so powerful and inspiring. The lighting and background also makes the photographs seem very natural, honest and personal, with the use of the bed sheet and delicate lighting showing vulnerability making it powerful in the sense that you're able to take that and talk to people about it and show people things that have made you vulnerable and turn them into strengths as you inspire people. This has really inspired me, thank you and well done!

  10. Wow this is brilliant !! I admire you considerably for the courage you had to personalise your blog with such a meaningful and personal photoshoot of yourself. I love the photography and the lighting used to convey your message, so great job !!
