Thursday 3 May 2018


Due to doing research and working with lights a lot Nina asked me to help on her shoot with lighting. We had a meeting and this would be a 4 day shoot in the evenings and we would be filming a different scene every day. Nina discussed with me colour palettes and gels that she wanted so that when it came round to the shoot I was prepared. As this was a piece about stereotyping, culture and heritage I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get the certain look Nina wanted but she reassured me that it would be ok.

On the first day we set out to complete the filming for the white lighting. I met the dancer, and she was super lovely and setting up the lights to Nina's standard I felt I did well and made sure she was super happy with them. The shoot went really smoothly and everything was done within the time given as a lot of time and work had gone into the call sheets that Nina had made, and we also had an incredible crew too. The second day was also a success and I felt the lighting was to a high standard and was making sure it looked ok on the monitor and if I needed to move any lights for any shot if it was in frame or too strong on the dancers face.The third and fourth days went amazing too, as well as shooting everything Nina needed she made sure we were having a good time, and were hydrated and with snacks. I really enjoyed working with Nina and her beautiful film.

Personally I feel that I completed my role to a high level as a gaffer, I made sure the lighting was just to Nina's taste and standard and was constantly seeking to improve or push my work further in any way. I feel since studio shoot I have really grown in my lighting and gaffer abilities. Of course there is a lot more for me to learn, but I feel I am on the right track, I am passionate, people are pleased with my lighting and continue to use me as a gaffer. I feel this is a field of work I would love to explore more. Luckily I had a lot more opportunities this term to broaden my portfolio for gaffer work which kept me super busy. Below are some pictures from the shoot.

I hope you enjoy. Thank you.

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