Thursday 3 May 2018


I was fortunate enough for Grace and Joe to ask me to light for their film. I wasn't too sure on the concept as I feel they may still have been forming it but when they said gels I said yes instantly! Joe told me what gels they would be using, what shots and lights they were having too so I was fully prepared to work with my equipment when I got it. Unfortunately I was really ill the day of the pre light, and was very apologetic for it, but I feel this did not stunt my performance. We had two shoot days from 9:30 until 6/7 ish. The first day was a little tricky as Grace and Joe were of course stressed and everyone was getting into the swing of their roles, but once we were all settled the day went really smooth. We managed to shoot all the white lighting and the blue gels. I sadly didn't get any pictures of the white lighting. I feel this day was a big success as we filmed a lot, Joe and Grace were really happy with the lighting and positioning of all the lights. I had a lot of fun as I had to re adjust every light after a shot and kept me busy and on my toes. 

The second day there were a few people missing in the morning due to illness but as we had a lot to film and wanted to get the equipment back before stores closed we got stuck into it. I stepped up to the first AD role, nervous at first as I have always wanted to do it but was a little scared I couldn't. But Grace and Joe were happy with me as first AD and said I did really well. We had to change a few shots around but that was all ok and easy. It was a lot of fun as I was telling them what shot was next and lens and then running to go help adjust the lights so it was really fun being super busy. I managed to keep us on track, and even ahead of schedule so we managed to film all of orange and orange B roll before lunch. Then I re set the lights and put the red gels on. I feel that I excelled at my job on this shoot, I was attentive to the lights and constantly checking if they were in shot, as there were a lot of mirrors, and making sure that Grace and Joe were happy. I even got to step up to first AD for the day which was so fun and feel I did well at as we managed to finish the day 3 hours ahead of schedule.  As I hadn't worked with Grace or Joe before it was a great opportunity and I really enjoyed it. Below are some pictures I took from the shoot days. 

I hope you enjoy. Thank you.

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