Wednesday 14 December 2016


With all of our hard work and dedication, the film is now finished. I couldn't be more pleased with it. here is the link below:

On Tuesday the 13th we had to show our film on the big screen in the cinema room, and present a presentation to our peers, Anne and Rosie. Throughout the process of this documentary we have had many issues, concerning the group and the film itself, editing wasn't as smooth as I would have liked it, but it was a big learning curve. We got peer feedback which was very rewarding to hear, and feedback from Anne and Rosie, it was so nice to hear they enjoyed it, and gave us some tips to improve in the future which will be useful for my next project. 

Here are some screenshots from our presentation:

For secondary research we found documentaries that we took inspiration from, some had nothing to do with tattoos, we just enjoyed their interview style, and the others were to do with tattoos. We chose them because of how they set their shots up, the lighting, framing and depth of field. 

To get real knowledge on the tattoo community and the people involved in it, we decided to research facts and figures surrounding tattoos. As our film only included an age bracket between 18-27 we wanted to research the bigger picture, the population, age and gender. 

To support the questions we asked our interviewees, we researched why people got tattoos, weather they regretted it, the percentage of people who get them lasered off. We got some interesting results and statistics which related to our questions when we watched through them again. 

When starting this film we knew communication would be key to the success of this film running smoothly. The producer Nina posted a status to ask and welcome people to share their stories about their tattoos and to be filmed. We got an incredible response of over 30 people, however on the day lots dropped out so we interviewed 16 people. Nina then produced a schedule for the Monday we were filming, of peoples times and their names. As a group we also had a group chat we could communicate with each other in, though not always effective in excellent communication all the time I feel we still all pulled together to create a great film. 

Like with every film you have to change things as you go along if they don't work out. This goes for the structure of our documentary. We initially created an intro, then stuck together all the clips we thought we interesting and important. After this we had a tutorial with Anne, in which we discussed the narrative and story arc of the film, she gave us some tips and advice. We took these on board and got rid of lots of irrelevant things, created a narrative in which it had different sections that people talked about certain things in. After cutting this all together and then watching, we all agreed it looked a lot better. 

For this film we produced a production pack which included transcripts from all interviews, shot lists, schedules,risk assessments, call sheets and story boards. This was key to our film and it's success so we could have things to reference too if we were unsure of what to film or edit, we could look at the shot lists and transcripts. 

I hope you enjoy. Thank you. 

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